Boy Underground is the powerful adventure story of Hugo, an autistic boy who decides to go all the way into the Paris underground to find a place where he belongs.
For Hugo, the world can be too loud and bright. He likes the quiet. He likes the dark. And he loves maps.
When Hugo learns that there’s a whole other world under Paris, a network of tunnels, quarries, and catacombs mapped beneath his feet, he sets off on an adventure.
Navigating secret passages, narrowly escaping robbers, and returning to old friends, Hugo discovers more than just buried treasure …
ISBN: 9781782269755
Age: 9+ years
RRP: £7.99 / $9.99
Length: 320 pages
ORDER HERE: Waterstones UK * Amazon Germany * Ernster Luxembourg
Cover design by Paula Zorite.
In development as a feature film with Deal Productions.